Wednesday 16 September 2015

Sharing Dog desperately asking for forgiveness (video) Love

Animal love funny Dog desperately asking for forgiveness (video)

Ettore the dog adorably asks forgiveness from owner after he made a mistake.


Anthony: "Are you asking me to forgive you?
Are you asking me to forgive you?
I don't understand. I really don't understand.
What do you want? What?
[Ettore gets on his lap]
What do you want?
No, it doesn't work like that.
It really doesn't work like that
[asking forgiveness intensifies]
It doesn't work like that.
No. No.
You are wrong. You are wrong.
You are really wrong."
The girl: "Look how he... I can't get his head."
Anthony: You are wrong, Ettore.
Ettore, you are wrong.
No. No. No.
Do you understand where you made the mistake?
Do you understand?
Do you understand?
Do you understand where you made the mistake?
I don't think you understood.
Eh? Eh?
You are hurting me.
No. No.
Ok. We make peace.
We make peace.
Peace, all right? We made peace.
[cuteness implosion]

source: /via:

The best love of Dog desperately asking for forgiveness (video)