Saturday 28 February 2015

Sharing Milk the cat has epiphany while getting his teeth brushed (video) Love

Animal love funny Milk the cat has epiphany while getting his teeth brushed (video)

Milk the ragdoll cat gets his little mind blown when his human brushes his teeth for the first time.


The best love of Milk the cat has epiphany while getting his teeth brushed (video)

Sharing Miss Iris the parrot takes shower in a sink (video) Love

Animal love funny Miss Iris the parrot takes shower in a sink (video)


The best love of Miss Iris the parrot takes shower in a sink (video)

Sharing Grizzly bear takes on 4 wolves for meal (video) Love

Animal love funny Grizzly bear takes on 4 wolves for meal (video)


The best love of Grizzly bear takes on 4 wolves for meal (video)