Wednesday 24 September 2014

Sharing Airline employs dog to return passenger's lost items (video) Love

Animal love funny Airline employs dog to return passenger's lost items (video)

KLM’s Lost and Found team at Amsterdam airport is on a mission to return passenger's lost items as soon as possible, and to do that they have employed an adorable beagle named Sherlock.


Animal love funny Airline employs dog to return passenger's lost items (video)

The best love of Airline employs dog to return passenger's lost items (video)

Sharing Dog attacks cat everytime owner use the ice machine (video) Love

Animal love funny Dog attacks cat everytime owner use the ice machine (video)

This guy have no clue why his dog Sophie attacks Neo the cat everytime he use the ice machine.


Animal love funny Dog attacks cat everytime owner use the ice machine (video)

The best love of Dog attacks cat everytime owner use the ice machine (video)