Monday 13 January 2014

Sharing Dog doesn't want treat from dogcatcher (video) Love

Animal love funny Dog doesn't want treat from dogcatcher (video)


Animal love funny Dog doesn't want treat from dogcatcher (video)

The best love of Dog doesn't want treat from dogcatcher (video)

Sharing Annoying kitten vs pug (video) Love

Animal love funny Annoying kitten vs pug (video)

Pug: "Please human, make it stop."


Animal love funny Annoying kitten vs pug (video)

The best love of Annoying kitten vs pug (video)

Sharing Boxer dog turns off alarm clock (video) Love

Animal love funny Boxer dog turns off alarm clock (video)

A guy found out why he has been waking up late. Turns out his boxer dog Kermit has figured out how to activate the snooze button of the alarm clock. Clever dog!!


Animal love funny Boxer dog turns off alarm clock (video)

The best love of Boxer dog turns off alarm clock (video)