Saturday 20 October 2012

Puppy or bear cub? (pic) Funny Animal

Animal love funny Puppy or bear cub? (pic)


Animal love funny Puppy or bear cub? (pic)

The best love of Puppy or bear cub? (pic)

Baby elephant rescued from a well and reunited with her mother (video) Funny Animal

Animal love funny Baby elephant rescued from a well and reunited with her mother (video)

The Amboseli Trust for Elephants rescued an eight months old calf who was stranded in a well in Kenya.

Animal love funny Baby elephant rescued from a well and reunited with her mother (video)

The best love of Baby elephant rescued from a well and reunited with her mother (video)

Cheerleader crab (gif) Funny Animal

Animal love funny Cheerleader crab (gif)

Go crab!

Animal love funny Cheerleader crab (gif)

The best love of Cheerleader crab (gif)